Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Eventful October (For me anyway...)

Just sitting here contemplating my October, and its been a fairly eventful month for me. As you will see by my graph, i havent played many hands, and i know i really need to knuckle down again, but I've had a lot going on. I turned 34 at the beginning of the month, and birthdays have never really meant anything to me - I'm def one of those 'just another day' kinda people. But for some reason, this year i couldnt help but think 'Fuck. I'm actually getting old'. Although it was only two weeks prior to this meaningless half-hearted epiphany, whilst dashing down to the local supermarket to buy a bottle of red to have with dinner, i was asked for proof of age! The checkout lady said i should be flattered whilst handing me back my drivers licence, but i just wanted to punch her - there was gravy needing to be made :-/

Shortly after my 5 second premature mid-life mini crisis, i lost one of my friends, forever. He was only 2 years older than me, and I'd known him since high school. I used to chase his sister around the playground and helped out his dad at the local fair ground in the summer holidays. When i became old enough to drink in pubs, we would get drunk on snakebite and black and get into all sorts of trouble (good and bad...) with holiday makers. I moved away on my 20th birthday and travelled around, working in Bristol, London, Paris, and then to do my degree in York, so obviously lost touch for a while, but whenever i came home and saw Jaime, we would always have a great laugh, just as he did with everybody.

Jamie was a funny looking lad, but he always dressed smart, and he had his own style. He hardly ever had any money, but would rarely buy high street clothes. He'd much rather have a decent pair of jeans and be skint. He'd walk down the road in Timberlands, Replay jeans, Ralph Lauren shirt and a Paul Smith jumper, but never had any money in his pocket. Jamie had time for everyone. He had a smile and a joke for everyone. And thats why everyone liked Jamie - you couldnt not like him. Anyone who knew him and reads this will know what i mean when i say that just speaking to him made you laugh, even if he wasnt trying to be funny. 

I've been to quite a few wakes in my time, but Jamie's was one to remember - in fact it was a great day all things considered. Talking to fellow friends and family wasnt sad because Jamie didnt do sad, he only did funny, and we all shared stories about Jamie and laughed, a lot :-). It was a proper send off (zig-zagged in at 9am the next day...:-) Gonna miss you Jamie. x

Ok, so poker...

My October graph is pretty lame - not many hands played and not much profit to shout about, although with my rakeback and a nice little Monte Carlo tournament bink and some other tourney cashes, I've scraped up to the $4k mark, which is fine. 

Gonna try and get my head down this month and put some hours in - want to get 50k hands in if i can, but might be tough as i have a fair bit of climbing to do, speaking of which, my groundsman Ben filmed me during this dismantling job (if you reading ty Ben, i know Gary gave you stick for it!). This tree was spread out over 3 gardens, with sheds, greenhouses and conservatories all underneath - was a bit of a nightmare tbh, especially with it being windy. Every single branch had to be lowered, and the chunk im taking off in the vid has to land in a tiny little area, which is why im faffing about a bit. Anyway, here's the clip: (some idiot is revving another chainsaw right next to Ben btw - he didnt factor this in...) 


So that was October, oh and i forgot, I moved house! Gonna do a little before/during/after thing with my garden, which is about 100 (long) x 20 (wide) yards of jungle atm, and i cant wait to get a 360 digger in and napalm the lot, barring the odd apple/cherry/plum tree. 

Will actually try to post some hands and write some stuff about poker as well sometime soon...

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