Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Run good Wednesday...

Ok, I did say I'd post a few hand histories, so here are a couple from today (pretty boring and fairly standard, but they were heavily responsible for me finishing just under $1k up for the day so thought I may as well include them). I dont often play full ring, but there were only a few 6 max tables going so I took this spot. When I sat down I was pleased to see a few 'fish' icons under the names of certain players, two of which were in this hand so happy days. For a split second I did think i might be behind when he shoved on the flop, but the only hand that beats me, that he would do this with is Q10, as I'm pretty sure that 66 or 1010 would flat (especially him). His 3-bet% was like 1% so he could easily have AQ, although I honestly thought he was just spazzing out with KQ. Hey ho, either way I'll take it.

Seat 1: Konsument ($289,54)
Seat 2: oneplaner ($480,00)
Seat 3: Jimmy1449 ($222,49)
Seat 4: vjkjrjdf1 ($200,00)
Posts small blind $1,00
Seat 5: Vinku ($208,00)
 Posts big blind $2.00
Seat 6: Hannelore ($210,52)
Seat 7: xxice ($159,68)
Seat 8: mcyi9sd8 ($62,50)
Seat 9: watp0809 ($147,60)
Seat 10: Foosler ($204,80) 
Dealt to oneplaner
Preflop: (Pot: $3)
FOLD xxice
CALL mcyi9sd8, $2,00
FOLD watp0809
FOLD Foosler
FOLD Konsument
RAISE oneplaner, to $9,00
CALL Jimmy1449, $9,00
FOLD vjkjrjdf1
FOLD Vinku
FOLD Hannelore
CALL mcyi9sd8, $7,00

Flop: (Pot: $28,00)

BET mcyi9sd8, $15,00
RAISE oneplaner, to $55,00
RAISE Jimmy1449, to $213,49
CALL mcyi9sd8, $38,50
CALL oneplaner, $158,49 

Turn: (Pot: $493,48)


River: (Pot: $493,48)



SHOWS oneplaner
SHOWS Jimmy1449
SHOWS mcyi9sd8

oneplaner wins the pot of $507,48 
Second one is just a straight cooler, and the villain is a reg who just got unlucky on the river. I obviously had position on him in most hands, and he was betting half pot a fair bit and folding to my re-raises, so I thought it best to just keep flatting and hope that he hits something good. Thank you RNG :-)

Seat 1: coldfishAA ($232,85)
Seat 2: oneplaner ($232,01) 

Seat 3: Vipress ($80,00) 
Posts small blind $1,00
Seat 4: Chivaz1 ($206,95) 
Posts big blind $2,00
Seat 5: Dunder101 ($202,14)
Seat 6: callmebabe ($197,00) 
Dealt to oneplaner

Preflop: (Pot: $3)

FOLD callmebabe
RAISE coldfishAA, to $6,00
CALL oneplaner, $6,00
FOLD Chivaz1
FOLD Dunder101 

Flop: (Pot: $15,00)

BET coldfishAA, $7,50
CALL oneplaner, $7,50

Turn: (Pot: $30,00)

BET coldfishAA, $15,00
CALL oneplaner, $15,00 

River: (Pot: $60,00)

CHECK coldfishAA
BET oneplaner, $52,00
RAISE coldfishAA, to $204,35
CALL oneplaner, $151,51 


SHOWS coldfishAA
SHOWS oneplaner

oneplaner wins the pot of $464,02 
The next one is against a good reg, although he does take an 
interesting line on this occasion...

Seat 1: andreiwp5 ($205,00) 
Seat 2: oneplaner ($197,00) 
  Posts small blind $1,00
Seat 3: michaelcrawley10 ($116,55) 
   Posts big blind $2,00
Seat 4: RCHLFRMFRNDS ($216,30)
Seat 5: vjkjrjdf1 ($200,00)
Seat 6: Vinku ($197,00) 
Dealt to oneplaner

Preflop: (Pot: $3)

FOLD vjkjrjdf1
FOLD Vinku
FOLD andreiwp5
RAISE oneplaner, to $6,00
FOLD michaelcrawley10
CALL oneplaner, $16,00

Flop: (Pot: $45,00)

RAISE oneplaner, to $66,00

Turn: (Pot: $151,00)

BET oneplaner, $109,00

River: (Pot: $369,00)



SHOWS oneplaner 
oneplaner wins the pot of $392,00 
Feel free to make any comment about how they were played, although these ones kinda played themselves i spose...

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